Helping People Thrive
February 2025 food pantry dates are:
Saturday, February 8th (inside)
Saturday, February 22nd (outside)
The first pantry distribution of the month is an indoor food distribution. This pantry is held on the second Saturday of the month.
The second pantry of the month is held outside in the parking lot.
Food distribution will start no later than 9:00am. Start time may be earlier if set-up is complete. Distribution continues until food is gone or the line is done.
When you arrive, you will be given a number on a first-come, first served basis. You may line up in front of the church and the doors will be opened at 8:00AM. Please bring your own boxes to carry food.
Seniors or those with difficulty managing stairs, will be directed down the driveway to enter through the back door.
A volunteer will pair up with each family to walk through the line and help carry boxes to the car.
When the pantry is outside, patrons may line up in the parking lot as they arrive. Tables are set-up and once the pantry opens, you may select from available items.
We are located at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 2746 5th Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104.
All are welcome! Please bring your own bags or boxes. We distribute items such as canned fruits, vegetables, spaghetti sauce & pasta, cereal, milk, butter, eggs, fresh produce, chicken/meat, bread, toiletries and more. The items we give, depend on the donations we receive. Each day is different...we never know what food and/or staples we will have.
Hunger can be found everywhere – often where or when you least expect it.
We Look Forward to Serving!
Donations of food products may be dropped off at St. Francis of Assisi Church in the red wagons located inside the entrance doors. It is important to note we do NOT accept any food past its expiration date. Please check the date before donating food.
We also do not accept any non-food donations such as clothing. Please do not leave these items.
In accordance with USDA policy, the St, Vincent de Paul society does not discriminate against any person seeking assistance. See our policy and complaint process here: